SM+art Architecture
Designing Happiness Together
Students dormitories
Dwelling in the new millennium
קשרים וניתוח אורבני
ניתוח דרכים עירוניות בסביבה הקיימת
חתך עקרוני וניתוח משטר הרוחות
קשרים וניתוח אורבני
Purpose of the design: A new millennium residential concept for 10,000 students.
Uses: Mixing uses
Location: Madrid
Status: Planning Only (Offer)
Land area: 220 dunams
Year: 2007
In collaboration with: Shai Sharaf and supervised by the Spanish architect Alberto Campo Baeza
Planning principles:
The planning process included a re-examination of the city from the perspective of the student community, raising questions about the dynamics of the city and its ability to change according to demand and supply.
The design addresses the environmental issue as reducing the footprint of the buildings, by creating cantilevered buildings above an intrusive column floor. Is a natural continuation of the park adjacent to the complex planned by pedestrian paths that continue well below the buildings.
The seemingly random suffix of the buildings towards the park was determined by the avenue of trees standing to the buildings and it was this that determined the length and edges of the buildings projecting into the park.
The residential extensions sit on a huge building platform that includes a mix of uses such as: shops, clubs, sports facilities, classrooms, auditorium, and more.
The residential buildings are designed with the technology of light construction, which can be dismantled and reassembled.
The living units are modular and designed according to different sections of the population, such as: families with a child, couples, partners, etc. These units are designed in spaced clusters / clusters, to allow occasional views through the aisles, towards the park. Each residential cluster has 1-2 common spaces that are used for a public meeting for the benefit of the tenants.