SM+art Architecture
Designing Happiness Together
Mixed use Residential & commerce
Urban design renovation
Designation: Residence
Location: Ramat Gan
Client: Private entrepreneur
Status: In execution
Lot area: 506 sqm
Built-up area: 3000 sqm
As part of the firm V5 Architects
Planning proposal for the evacuation of construction in the Talpiot East neighborhood of Jerusalem. The area of the complex is about 7 dunams, and currently includes 2 existing residential buildings, a parking lot, and a public path.
A. In the proposed situation, about 320 new housing units are planned instead of the existing 80 housing units. 4 towers 15-18 stories high.
B. The construction sits on a slope and relates to the existing topography. The ground floor is a colonnade used for commercial escort and lobbies to the residential buildings.
C. The commercial roof is designed as a green roof divided into gardens adjacent to the apartments on the floor above the commercial.
D. The proposed path and the open public areas planned in the complex connect to an internal path system and an existing open space system in the neighborhood.